Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Stupid in class assignments...

When our teacher is gone...even though we have alot to get done in the next 30 days left of year book...we have to write a paper instead of working on our arrticles... so here is mine about the pros and cons of ip...

Pro’s and Con’s IP

Indian Plains High School has some amazing programs, amazing teachers, and amazing staff that make this place work. However not everything is as nice as the guidance counselors at our home school made it sound. This article is written to give you an accurate description seen thought the eyes of a student. Written by a student who is imperfect with biases, preconceived notions. The same student who is trying to make the best of the given situation, one student who wants to be remembered.
Indian Plains has two programs running simultaneously, Phoenix Academy and Graduation Academy. Graduation Academy is made up of seniors in need of a second chance, and some discipline, coming from two home schools, Nequa Valley, and Waubonsie Valley. Phoenix Academy is made up of students who need to be in school but for one reason or another are no longer aloud to attend their home school. A con to the way that this is set up is that because many of the students on Phoenix have been expelled for fighting, they are quick to anger, and cause many fights. While Graduation students have to go on lock down and stay in their rooms while one or two students are handled because they can not control themselves over such mundane things, one fight was over someone’s mom. The pro to this set up is in both sides students are given a second chance, life is filled with second chances, but all to often high school is unforgiving and not understanding, and gives no second changes.
The student population is about 75 students on Graduation Academy, and roughly 30 students in Phoenix Academy. The size is both an advantage and disadvantage to this school. It is definitely an advantage for the teachers because students who have a habit of skipping, how many students end up here, are easily caught. It is easier to meet people, and identifying new people unlike at our home schools is much easier as well. It is a con because you are with the same people all day everyday, and you know more then you would like to about some students and vise versa. Because of the size teachers know students on a more personal level, they know what students are capable, and they even know our names. Without this staff IP would not work, the staff is passionate about helping these students out, and that is exactly what they are achieving. The principal is also amazing, not long after we started school this year Ms. Tobin purchased a book for everyone who filled out a book slip, the students then had the option of donating the book when they were finished with it to the library. It really did get students to read; because it was something they choose.
The school has an opportunity to teach students much more then what is from a text book at Indian Plains. This program really holds students accountable for their actions, and they are ultimately choosing graduation, or not choosing graduation. They are in charge of their future. Ms. Provis was a student here at IP and we were talking one day at lunch when I was still getting use to everything at the begging of the year and she told me that IP showed her that school doesn’t have to suck. And that she was not stupid, and was capable of accomplishing something, she went to college and became a teacher, and came back to teach here, to help students such as herself.

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