Thursday, January 22, 2009

Awkwardly Hilarious.

Today at school Kara and I decided to make a trip into space. It was pretty sunny so we decided we needed our StunnaShades, we took off from the JJC main campus and after making an orbit around the sun, we picked up gum and Wendy's. Shortly there after we remembered we had class, so we made a rapid landing on some cars, because as always there was no parking. We were a little early so we decided it was a good time for a photo opt. we met so old friends, and some people that look like the Shane from Valencia, it was really weird. We kept making awkward eye contact Kara thought I should say Hi, but that would be weird, especially if he has never heard of Valencia. Then as we were sitting we couldn't figure out how we knew the kid sitting next to us and it just so happened that I went to school with him in like 2nd grade and we couldn't figure out who he was, through some facebook investigating, not stalking we found him. Kara wanted me to add him, as he sat next to us on his facebook, but I thought that was weird. So I haven't yet, but I may in class when were not sitting awkwardly close.

In more awkward news, the girl on the other side of us turned around and stared at Kara, then smiled. Awkward.

Also, today I wore heels on a not completely healed ankle and that was dumb.

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