Friday, March 13, 2009

this day was going to be epic....

So today was going to be EPIC.... I was going to see VALENCIA live for the first time today and I was soo pumped, my birthday was last month and we didn't do anything for it because I knew they were coming into town and I was super excited... Well the day final gets here... and some people (the person who introduced me to the band in the first place) didn't get home from college... because he actually went to class. Seriously, its Valencia... its skip class worthy, and who actually goes to class the last day before spring break anyway... dumb. And then someone I didn't know died so my grandma was pretty upset and took a car south for the funeral, and so our one remaining car I couldn't drive, and Kara who was going to drive us... well her car broke this morning and would, "explode if driven to Orland Park." After 934893274873297328974 billion more attempts to get to MoJoes, all of which included contacting Superman for his Cape, Spiderman for his webs, Mighty Mouse for his speed, and Neighbor Steve for his tractor.... it was 6 O’clock when doors opened, and we still had no way to get there. Being completely bummed, being my creeper self I happen to have Twitter and follow the Valencia updates on my phone.... Well they asked where to get deep dish... and I replied after 15 min of talking it over with Kara and retyping it 7 times, I decided to tell them to go to Gino's East... and I did... and they went... and the still think Giordano’s is better... clearly tourists... but George Imposibletospelllastname the bass player replied to me... it was pretty EPIC, I’m lame and because tonight I didn't get a picture I saved them on my cell phone.
georgevalencia: Is there a place to get deep dish pizza around orland park?I don't know any places in the suburbs
elliehand: @georgevalencia GINOS EAST!!!
georgevalencia: went for gino's was sick
elliehand: @georgevalencia sick good or sick bad....
georgevalencia: @elliehandsick like awesome
georgevalencia: oh and wapner and shane god giordano's... so much better then gino's east. the chicago pizza debate is settled

Im going have to disagree times 82984308 on the last one... but my birthday day that didn't take place was okay because he totally had to type my name to reply to my twitter :)

On an entirely separate note.... My friends in an attempt to get me in a better mood decided to see a psychic on Friday the 13th.... so I paid 25 dollars... and some of the stuff was sweet and some of it wasn't. Here are my notes Kara wrote for me... Some of the stuff I can make sense of and some of it I can't.

50 4 10 Lotto Numbers
I’m going on a vacation to a warm state I'm really excited for it (Kentucky next week?)
Break up I’m not happy about... well that’s self explanatory lol
Someone is pregnant and I will be excited for them
Money stress
Stress at work... Soap Opera Like.... DEAD ON!
Girl I work with si a pain in the butt, and likes to start drama... DEAD ON!!!!
I know a very nice boy who likes me? lol
I am very good at school.
I am going to write a book... that’s totally on my life list of things to do I was happy!
I am NEVER home.... ever
I am getting a Tattoo... I started talking to someone this week about getting it drawn
I am moving out soon
I can't wait to be on my own
It will prob. be this summer
Watch drinking and driving... I don't get this because I would NEVER... EVER...times a million.
When I make up my mind I don't change it, and once my mind is set on something I do it
There is a boy who is always coming in and out of my life... again self explanatory.
There is a guy in his 20's with 2 kids who is bad news and I need to stay away... ??
I will always be slim... I was excited about this
I will have a good summer and I need to stop thinking I won't.. I found out today I didn't get warped tour so I thought maybe that was it IDK
My job really gets to me
I am going to take a trip at the end of summer to a warm state to see someone and I am really excited about it... Zachery gets back from Afghanistan in August... and I want to go down?
I will have a little boy someday ;)
I asked if I was going to get married, and she said yes, and not to worry, I won't get divorced.... that’s like my biggest fear.
I like antiques
I am very old fashioned and traditional... very very very true!

Okay this is where it gets weird... I asked if I had any family looking after me, she said and older man, Maybe a grandfather has been with me everyday sense I was born. Idk... She said he wasn't very old, and my great grandpa that died was like 80, that was before I was born... but then she said and there is a little boy that died in a horrific accident, he drown. I don't know anyone and she said it may not have happened yet, but it is in relation to my grandfather and he is or will be buried next to my grandfather... And My great grandpa is buried with my grandma and their daughter. So I don't know that was all very weird and creepy because she said it may not have happened yet.
Mine was pretty general... Kara’s was VERY specific... and Jerilyn’s was more so then mine too so I’m not sure.

note: why is Superman in spellcheck... and Spiderman is not.

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