Monday, June 8, 2009

So I havn't updated in a while... again...

So I went to Arizona, and I hung out with my cousins. Rocky the oldest broke his arm the first day... and I had my first offical trip to the emergency room where we saw a man who cut off his fringer, and I figured it could be worse.

Rocky the Cripple thinks that he is better at grilling then me... even though he couldn't even use his arm...
Rocky and Riley and Me
Ryker and Me
Rykers Arm, Rocky, Me and Riley (they love me)
Me and Sis
Introducing SHORT HAIR!!
Me and Kay on Billys boat
Sometimes Billy lets me drive the boat :)
Heather and I (future roomies!) like to take pictures while there are trians haha

This summers going to be amazing :)
I will prollly be posting more pictures soon. Rocky and Rowdy are coming up from Arizona this weekend, and Alex is moving back from California, so it will be a very photographic weekend.

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